Yes, I'm designing another format for doing the same thing as LTC...

 You've seen the gag:

So why designing another format? Because LTC is old and was pertinent when data was written on tape. And surtout because the hardware devices on the market implementing it are still costly, even after all those years. My first post goes back to 2016 and It's still minimally 200 USD per recording devices, audio or video. Rest assured, I'm designing my encoding as a transitional format in the postprod workflow: the clip will end up with a LTC track to be used by the editing software of your choice (most of 'serious' ones support LTC).

So here's what I'm thinking of:



 I don't plan any error correction (Hamming, Reed-Solomon etc...): I'll go the easy road with a simple triple redundancy because the bandwidth needed is minimal, less than 40 bits/s.

And remember (or if you didn't roll back to the first 2016 blog posts) the 1PPS sync word will be precise to 10 nS provided there's a GPS fix. Each second is precisely punched down within ± 10 nS. That's 0.01 µS! Without any clock drift, even for multihours long camera shoots! Nada. Zilch. Atomic time!


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